Monday, March 23, 2009

Sexual Identity

The media portrays a person’s sexual identity in many ways through television, books and magazines. There are many TV shows that tell you its better to be straight while there are some television shows that tell you its okay to be gay. Shows such as Will and Grace show you the life of gay men who go through dating issues and relationship issues just like a normal straight couple. Will and Jack are both gay however Jack’s character is portrayed as the queen while Will’s character is more of a man. Also on the talk show Ellen, Ellen is gay and she is very open about her sexual identity because she wants her audience to know and understand there is nothing to be ashamed of no matter if you are straight or gay. Ellen teaches people to be proud of whom they are and to never be ashamed or try to hide any part of you. As well, in magazines there are often boy and girl couples featured in ads which shows young children the norm is to be straight and that there is something wrong with you if you like someone your own gender. I think teachers and parents should be supportive of any child who is straight or gay and help them embrace their sexual identity rather than be ashamed of it.

click here if you need any answers or help dealing with being gay

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Internet Suicide

Internet suicide is becoming a big concern for many people today because using the Internet makes it a lot easier to commit suicide. All you need to do is search "how to commit suicide" into a search engine on the Internet and many different ways come up. There have been many suicide incidents where someone has committed suicide on their web cam as viewers watched.  Another way the Internet can be influential towards suicide is the types of music that teenagers download and hear on websites can persuade someone to kill themselves. Heavy Metal Music is known for acting as promoter of suicide among vulnerable adolescents and there are many websites that play music that have lyrics with suicidal tendencies that put the idea of suicide in teenager's heads. There are also websites on the Internet that glamorize suicide and make it seem like a joke. This could make it hard for teens to distinguish between a joke and what is real and therefore these sites should not be up and running on the Internet. I think it is important for teachers and parents to monitor what there students and children do on the Internet. As well, teachers need to help their students differentiate between an informative website on suicide and a negative ones such as the sites that glamorize it. 

Monday, March 9, 2009

Editing a video

For the next assignment in Media, Technology in the classroom you need to be able to edit a video. I'm really excited to learn and figure out different ways to put a video together with my group members. This will be my first video i have ever made using imovie on a Mac computer and I am really interested and excited to see the different transitions you can use to make your video better. My group members are Madison, Jaclyn and Hailey and together we picked a social issue that we are going to show in our movie and present to the rest of the class. I am really excited to see everyone else's movie in the class and to see all the different ways people put together their movies. This is my favorite assignment so far in t he course because I’m eager to use a video camera and go around campus and Montreal filming different people and things I will be able to tell after making this movie if I have good editing skills or if I will have to improve and continue to practice to edit. I am looking forward to working with my group on this project.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

In class today we watched the movie Slumdog Millionaire. We discussed in the class how  In class today we watched the movie Slumdog Millionaire. We discussed in the class how India, the men and women are portrayed in the movie. I think India is portrayed in the movie as very poor and the movie makes it look like everyone who lives in India lives in the slums. Although, I have never visited India I have heard that the movie gives an accurate picture of what it is really like there. India is a very poor country, and a lot of people really live in the slums and the only way people can survive is to steal and cheat.  As well, in the movie men are portrayed as more powerful and stronger than women. The movie portrays women as the weaker gender because the main girl named Latika, goes through many hard times throughout her life. Someone she trusts rapes her and men use her for many different things throughout her life. The move makes you feel bad for the main character, Jamal, when they are questioning and attacking him for knowing the answer to the game show "Who wants to be a millionaire". The police do not believe he could know the answers to the questions because Jamal has no formal education, has been a career their as a child and is from the slums.  However throughout the movie Jamal proves the from life experience he knows every answer to the questions that he was asked. Slumdog Millionaire is one of my favorite movies because i think the acting, and directing were done really well.  I really enjoyed seeing this movie and can't wait for it to come out on DVD.