Monday, January 19, 2009



                                                                                                                                 This picture shows that no matter what color skin you have, what colour hair you have or what religion you practice you are a human being and all human beings deserve to be treated justly and fairly. In order for that to happen everyone needs to work together to stop racism. 

This picture with the two color feet represent 
institutional racism. Institutional racism occurs when institutions such as universities, and governments discriminate against different groups of  people either knowingly or unknowingly to limit their rights.  Discrimination in housing, education, employments and health are some forms of institutional racism. 

This picture which says "end racism thru unity" means that in order for racism to no longer exist in the world  everyone needs to work together to make that change happen. 

 This no racism sign helps everyone remember that racism should not be tolerated or accepted in today's society. It also helps raise awareness to the fact that racism is a big social issue and we need to take action in order for racism to no longer exist in the world that we live in today. 

click here to watch how racism and stereotypes are portrayed in the media. 

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